Go Gold For Hope during the month of September to help fund research for better treatments and a cure.

Since beginning our Go Gold For Hope campaign in 2021, we have donated $100,000 to research for childhood cancer at Boston Children’s Hospital and $10,000 to Tommy’s Place - Vacation Home for children fighting cancer through monetary and material donations.

  • Local Schools Go Gold For Hope

    Each September, local schools Go Gold For Hope and raise money and awareness for Childhood Cancer Research. Click the picture to learn more.

  • Light Up The Night For Hope

    On the last Saturday of September, join us as we Light Up The Night For Hope to show our support for families impacted by childhood cancer and remember those warriors, like Zach Kane, who left us too soon.

  • Events

    Each September, we put on various events to bring the community together and raise funds to be donated to research for childhood cancer at Boston Children’s Hospital.

  • Sports Teams

    Sports teams across the South Shore can join our mission and help raise money and awareness for Childhood Cancer! Click to learn more.